You are the boss when working with a realtor you tell them what you want to offer for a property to purchase.

Friday, September 12, 2008


If you are one of the people that wanted to purchase a home in prior 2007 but because of the prices you were not able to afford it. NOW, is your time due to we are now in a buyers market(meaning you set the price not the seller). Purchasing real estate is the most effective way to secure your financial future due to the equity build up you receive in owning real estate. There is no other asset that will reward you for holding it as a long term investment. I bet if you talk to some of the elderly people working at WalMart they may tell you that their future income was in the stock market and when it fail so did their income. All the money put in the stock market is all yours, however in real estate you may put 3 to 20% downpayment and earn equity build up of 100 to 300%+ return. If you check with your parents who purchase property in the 80's and 90's who may have paid $30 to $100K for a property and in the 2000's sold or refinance that same property for $200 to $300K+. That is what equity build up mean, and that is how you plan for your future expenses for children education, retirement income, vacation funds, funds for other retirement planning benefits.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This information isn't just for first time homebuyers, the information is for anyone that is interested in purchasing real estate in today's market. Because we are in what is considered to be a buyers market which is the opposite of a sellers market which we had experienced from 2003 to end 2006. In a buyers market you as the buyer get to set the price. The reason for that is because properties are not moving as fast and due to what newcomes in the lender business called creative financing which in the financial world is call fraud when a person purchases a property that their income was increased to qualify for the financing. Therefore there are lots of properties available today, because the banks had to foreclosure/repo the property because the borrower was not able to afford the payment any longer due to the loan changing. As a buyer you can set the price you want to pay for a property. If the property has not been sold in 60 to 120 days with little or no offers they may take your offer, so do not be afraid of making a reasonable offer on any property you make be surprised. (note:your realtor will be paid by the bank so always hire a realtor with experience working foreclosures).


I am very surprise how people are treated differently from one party to the other. Due to the so call fair and balance media if you are a Democrat all your personal business or bad deeds are no problem or understood. I believe that is because they always state that they are for the people (people who like to have the government take care of their needs and wants). However if you are a Republican that believes in GOD's laws and believe that our forefathers whom I believe were inspirited by GOD both Democrat and Republican to follow the Ten Commandment to make good laws. Because the Republicans still to this day somewhat believe that, when they make new laws or follow the current laws as they were written and not change the law base on feeling or personal believe. When people of the Republican party that run for government office are crucify like Peter of the bible because they believe in the peoples ability to change not making the government your Big Dad, but making the government do its part in assisting you in benefits, protecting our country from domestic and foreign powers and making good law to benefit men nice. This is not popular, people of the Republican party that run for office are crucify publicly and all their family members must pay the cost, because every bad choice old or new will come to light to attempt to destroy the person that has decided that they may be able to help make some true changes in cleaning up the government and may be able to change the habits of business as usual. As an American first my interest in the person running for government office is base on what the person has done in government office previously to help them in the position they are running for, also to listen to what that person is saying about what they would like the new government to look like and how they believe they can preform that duty and most of all listen to comments on the persons character. I do not believe that our government can continue to function like it is with party politics, if we do not change Washington from the inside out meaning we must elect the best people from other parties to get the best results. When the parties are not together as you can see the new democratic congress has done nothing of any importance but a lot of talk that we believed that Nancy and the new team were going to make big changes as you can see Washington is still business as usual. WE NEED PEOPLE THAT HAVE RECORDS OF MAKING CHANGES AND WORKING WITH THE BEST PEOPLE OF BOTH PARTIES.